New product

Products let you fill out invoices more quickly, as well as letting you easily adjust pricing in the future. This is how you create a new product in Conta.

Products let you fill out invoices more quickly, as well as letting you easily adjust pricing in the future. This is how you create a new product in Conta.

From the front page, click on the top left navigation menu. Click on PRODUCTS, then click the NEW PRODUCT button.

Alternatively, you can create a new product while creating an invoice.

Mandatory fields

Several fields need to be filled out, and some are optional. Notably, the tax field is mandatory: This is where you select which tax should be applied to each sale of the product in question.

You can select between a number of tax types depending on your region. We recommend speaking to an accountant if you are unsure which one to use for your product or location.

Regardless, make sure to give the product a recognizable name and a price, and specify which tax should be applied, even if it’s no tax at all.

You may also give the product an optional serial number if you so desire, but this is not necessary.

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