Register payment

You've gotten paid. Congrats! Now it's time to register the payment in Conta.

You’ve gotten paid. Congrats! Now it’s time to register the payment in Conta.

On the homepage, simply click on the invoice under the Follow up or Unpaid invoices-section or search for it in your invoice overview.

The Conta homepage showing an overdue invoice

CLICK REGISTER PAYMENT. The invoice sum will be prefilled as the paid sum, but you can edit this if the customer has only paid a partial amount. Then enter the date you received the payment and click SAVE PAYMENT.

The invoice overview in Conta, where you can register payment, resend invoice, download PDF, change follow-up date and credit invoice

The invoice will now be marked as paid:

The invoice overview in Conta, showing that the invoice has been paid

If the customer only paid a partial sum, the invoice status will be marked as partially paid. You can go back to the invoice to register additional payments later.

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