The product catalog is an overview of all the products you've added to Conta.
The product catalog is an overview of all the products you’ve added to Conta.

To get to the product catalog, go to the top-left menu and click PRODUCTS or click PRODUCTS on the homepage.
By default, your products are sorted alphabetically from A-Z. You can click on the Product name-header to sort from Z-A. You can also sort by product number and by price (excl. tax).
In the search field, you can search by product name or product number.
Add a new product by clicking NEW PRODUCT.
Once you’ve added a product, you can easily adjust the product name, price and tax rate, so that you can create invoices even faster.
View, edit or archive a product
Click on a product in the product catalog to see more information about it. You can see when the product was last edited, how many times you’ve sent an invoice with this product, and how much money you’ve invoiced for.

Click EDIT to edit your product. You can change the product number, product name, unit price and tax code. Once you’re done, click SAVE.