Add a customer

When you add your customers to Conta, you can fill out invoices more quickly. This is how you add a customer.

When you add your customers to Conta, you can fill out invoices more quickly. This is how you add a customer.

The new-customer page in Conta, where you can add customer information and save it to Conta

To add a new customer, go to the top-left menu and click CUSTOMERS. Then click NEW CUSTOMER.

You can also easily add a new customer when you’re creating an invoice.

How to add a customer

First fill out the customer name and address. You can also fill out the organization number, if applicable. You can also add your customer’s email and phone number to store it all in one place!

You can add additional invoice recipients by filling out the Email CC-field. If you’ve agreed to a fixed discount for this customer, you can also add it here. All this information will be automatically added to your invoices.

Once you’re done, click SAVE.

Read more about customers.

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