Create an invoice

This is how you create an invoice in Conta, step by step.

This is how you create an invoice in Conta, step by step.

Once you’re ready to invoice a customer, head to the Home page and click on the button that says CREATE INVOICE.

Now you are in the invoice creator:

An invoice is your primary documentation of a sale of goods and services, and as such needs to contain certain information such as the customer name and address, a due date and a bank account. 

Invoice date and due date

The invoice date is the date on which you invoiced the customer for a deliverable (goods or services). The due date is the date before which the customer has to pay you for the goods and services, lest they will be subject to payment reminders, late fees or debt collection.

About tax invoices (GST) and regular invoices

Different rates of Goods and Services Tax apply, depending on where your business is located, and what you are selling. We have provided a list of rates in the link below.

View examples of GST rates organized by country.

When creating a GST invoice, or when adding a product, simply select the correct rate for your product or service, and Conta will handle the rest.

Add customer

Use the search field to add an existing customer, or click ADD NEW to add a new customer to the system. Certain fields are required, but feel free to add as much information beyond that as you see fit.

The customer’s invoice history can be viewed from the customer card.

Click CONTINUE to proceed to the next step. 

Add products

To add a product, use the same method as when adding a customer. Products, however, can also be added on a single-use basis and do not need to be stored in the system.

The benefit of adding a product to the system, however, is that you can adjust the price when you want to, and next time you add the same product to an invoice, the product will have the updated pricing. 

Furthermore, adding a product will let you track how many you have sold over time. This can be viewed from the relevant product card.

When adding a product, in addition to the unit price, you also need to specify the quantity sold. Then, click ADD to add the product line to the invoice. 

You can add as many products to a single invoice as you want, so there is no need to create multiple invoices if the customer ordered a variety of products or services.

At this point you can proceed to send the invoice, or you can save it to drafts by clicking SAVE DRAFT. The invoice will stay in your drafts until you return to it, at which point you can finish up and send it.

If you’re ready to send it, click CONTINUE.

Sending the invoice

Fill in the recipient of the invoice, and up to 10 additional recipient email addresses in the “Send copies” field.

Choose an email subject and feel free to add your own content to the email.

You can also attach a file by dragging and dropping it, or by clicking “Select files to upload”. 

The details from the invoice can be added as text to the body of the email by ticking “Add invoice details to email”. 

Want to just generate the invoice without sending it?

There could be many reasons to not immediately send an invoice. You might want to print it out and send it by post, for example. In this case, click “Skip sending” to simply generate the invoice as a PDF. From there, you can choose how to get it to your customer.

What’s important to know is that once the invoice has been generated, whether you sent it or just made a PDF, there is no way to edit it after the fact.

This means that if you make a mistake or you agree with the customer that they don’t have to pay it after all, you need to generate a credit note to reverse or “cancel out” the invoice.

Congrats, you created an invoice!

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