
The client register is an overview of the clients you've added to Conta.

The client register is an overview of the clients you’ve added to Conta.

The client register in Conta, showing all your clients and their information

To get to the client register, go to the top-left menu and click CLIENTS or click on CLIENTS on the homepage.

By default, your clients are sorted alphabetically from A-Z. You can click on the Client name-header to sort from Z-A.

In the search field, you can search by client name, email or address.

Add a new client by clicking NEW CLIENT.

View, edit or archive a client

Click on a client in the client register to see more information about them. You can see how many invoices you’ve sent to this client, how much you’ve invoiced them for, and how much money the client is due to pay you:

The client view in Conta, showing a specific client and the information you've added

Click EDIT to edit your client. You can change the client name, address and organization number, if applicable.

The edit client-page in Conta, where you can see and edit client information

You can also add the client’s email, phone number, as well as additional invoice recipients by filling out the Email CC-field. If you’ve agreed to a fixed discount for this client, you can also add it here. All this information will be automatically added to your invoices.

Once you’re done, click SAVE.

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