In Conta, you have personal settings for your user and business settings for your business.
In Conta, you have personal settings for your user and business settings for your business.
Personal settings
You can find personal settings in the top-right menu:
Go to Personal info to update your name and email address.
Go to Security settings to change your password or active two-factor authentication.
Go to Notifications to turn on email notifications for overdue invoices.
Go to My businesses to see an overview of your businesses or to add a new business.
Business settings
You can find your business settings by clicking on your business name in the top menu, and selecting BUSINESS SETTINGS:
Go to Business info to update your business information. This will show on your invoices.
Go to Invoice settings to edit your invoice presets: Whether your invoices should be tax invoices or regular invoices and what the standard payment deadline should be. You can always change this when you’re making an invoice.
Go to Users to add more users to your business or to edit or remove the users already added to your business.
Go to Bank accounts to edit an existing bank account or add a new bank account. The bank account information will appear on your invoices and let your clients know how to pay you.